Cancerfighting Huddersfield Detective Organises Charity Cricket Match 2009: Top Huddersfield

Cancerfighting Huddersfield detective organises charity cricket match

A TOP Huddersfield detective is teaming up with professional footballers and police colleagues to help raise cash for the charity that supported his cancer
fight. John Lee is only weeks away from finishing a ten-week course of chemotherapy for bowel cancer. But already the 49-year-old is on a mission to give something back as a thank you for the care and support he has received. A 20-20 cricket match is being organised at Scholes cricket club on June 26 to raise money for Beat Bowel Cancer. And with a line-up of players including his stepson and Ipswich Town footballer Jonathan Stead, and Huddersfield Town’s Andy Booth and Nathan Clarke, the evening game against police colleagues looks set to raise hundreds for the cause. John, who has been in the police &ndash mainly Huddersfield CID &ndash for 29 years and has interviewed some of the most high-profile criminals, including Karen Matthews and Tobiasz Minski’s killer Daniel Sykes, said: “I wanted to try to give something back and I know that once I get back to work I won’t be able to because I won’t have the time. So I thought I’d do it now. “Everyone has been so generous. All we need now is a sunny day and people to turn out, and we’ve cracked it.”
John has already persuaded more than 30 football clubs to donate signed shirts for a sports auction and raffle at the event.

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