There are many pioneering social enterprises in the region that are now too large for seed-funding yet too small for accelerator grants or impact investors.The Crossing the Chasm Challenge 2016 aims to fulfil a critical need for these enterprises, where students team up and work alongside partner social enterprises to co-create a marketing strategy and pitch. This years challenge theme is based on UN Sustainable Development Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere.Join us for the final as five selected teams present their marketing pitch on generating awareness for their social enterprises and promoting their solution to judges from Tanoto Foundation, MarkPlus, Inc., APCO Worldwide, GE Healthcare and Twitter Singapore. The students are guided by senior executives (industry mentors) from Akamai, APCO Worldwide, AutoWealth, Catalyst Health Asia, Credit Suisse, Ernst & Young, MarkPlus, Inc., MasterCard and P&G.
Admission is free, and dinner will be provided.