Northwest Arkansas Times 25 SATURDAY April 2009 Events and Activities The city of Fayetteville will hold its annual Arbor Day Celebration beginning at 7
a.m. in front of the Town Center on the Fayetteville Square. 900 trees will be distributed. Please bring proof of Fayetteville residency such as a city utility bill and a driver’s license to receive a free 1-gallon containerized tree. Only one tree per resident. Ward 3 will host a Spring Bulky Waste Cleanup from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. today at Elks Lodge, 4444 N. Crossover Road, and at Vandergriff Elementary School, 2975 E. Township St. For more information call 575-8398. Cleanup day at Fall Creek Cemetery will begin at 8 a.m. today. A business meeting will follow. Teen Challenge Ranch of Northwest Arkansas will have a Charity Golf Tournament today at Stonebridge Meadows Golf Club, 3495 E. Goff Farm Road, Fayetteville. Tee time for the four-person scramble is 8 a.m. Teen Challenge is dedicated to helping troubled boys from age 14 to 17 1/2 get a new start in life. For more information, call 848-3105 or e-mail drarkansasteenchallenge. org.
There will be a free PC and laptop repair clinic from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today at the Jones Center for Families, Room 221, 922 E. Emma Ave., Springdale. Basic cleaning, virus and malware removal and some restoration will be provided at no cost. For more information, call Matt with iRight Technology Services at 236-1366.