THE hunt for Miss Coventry 2009 begins today &ndash with a pledge that this year’s winner will be a home-grown beauty.
Organisers say the winning girl will this year have to live within the Coventry postcode &ndash after it was revealed last year’s winner was a Brummie. Miss Coventry 2008 Sandra Marie Lees, hails from Handsworth, Birmingham although she had relatives in Coventry. Last year’s rules stated that the entrants only had to live within a 25-mile radius of the city. Organisers say that they only had a few weeks to organise last year’s event and they now want to ensure the winner has close links with the city she will represent. The contest will take place every Wednesday at Bar Escape off Millennium Place, city centre, from 7 til 9pm until March 11. This year’s winner will automatically go through to the Miss England semi final in June.
Each week the top five girls who attend an informal interview at the bar will go through to be one of 25 finalists for the final at Brandon Hall Hotel and Spa in Main Street, Brandon, on Saturday, March 28.