Moreno Valley Elks Lodge No.
2697 has a new home. After beingon Alessandro Boulevard near Frederick Street since 1985, the group is moving to a new building at Canyon Springs Plaza by Highway 60. “This new place will give us the opportunity to grow and be more involved with the community,” said Luella McCabe, the group’s Building Chairman and Past Exalted Ruler. Renovation of the new location took about 2 ½ years, but members said it’s well worth the wait. The new building is 4,000 square feet, more than double the size of the old building. It houses an event hall, a cocktail lounge, a kitchenette and plenty of storage space. McCabe said she wants the building to become a new gathering place for the community, using it for events from local group meetings to wedding receptions. Judy Smith, Exalted Ruler for the group, hopes the building will attract new members.
“I have great expectations for our little Lodge to become a little bigger,” she said in an e-mail. “I have hope that we will be able to reach out to the community in a much larger way, serving youth, disabled children, vets and others in need.”