Nourishing Hope: A Gala for Change

Spooning for a cause, filling hearts, and plates!

In an era of abundance and technological advancements, the harsh reality of food poverty looms large, revealing an unsettling paradox. Despite the world’s progress, millions still struggle daily to access sufficient, nutritious sustenance. Food poverty, a silent epidemic affecting vulnerable communities globally, transcends mere hunger; it reflects a systemic failure to address fundamental human needs. The haunting specter of empty plates and growling stomachs demands urgent attention. This intro serves as a solemn reminder that amidst plenty, countless individuals remain trapped in the dire grip of food insecurity, seeking a solution to restore dignity and ensure a brighter, more nourished future for all.

Amidst this sobering reality, hope emerges in the form of organizations like Feeding Families. Committed to alleviating food poverty, their unwavering dedication and outreach initiatives strive to bridge the gap between abundance and need, empowering communities to break free from the chains of hunger and find solace in sustenance once more.

As hunger persists, Feeding Families offers hope through their upcoming fundraising event, the Charity Gala Dinner. This event brings people together to make a real difference by enjoying a delicious meal and supporting families in need. Your participation ensures that no family goes hungry and that they can lead a dignified life.

Exciting news – Our biggest fundraising event of the year is back….

Our Charity Gala Dinner

To be held at The Grand Hotel, Gosforth Park on Saturday 30th September 2023, 7pm until late.

Guests will be welcomed with an exclusive drink’s reception followed by a 3-course meal and an evening of guaranteed fun and entertainment.

In the last year we have provided in excess of 28,400 food boxes, an increase of 102% from the previous year. Your support can really make all the difference to those who are experience food poverty in our region.

There are several ways to get involved:

Buy a ticket or table of 10 and come to our event
Take advantage of one of our corporate sponsorship packages.
Donate an item for the raffle or tombola
Share the event details with friends and work colleagues – It would be great if you could share the poster on your notice board and with your staff.
If you would like to discuss the sponsorship packages, then please feel free email Rachel.

Don’t miss out on the Early Bird offer.

Join the nourishing cause, feast with compassion! Register now for our Charity Gala Dinner, empowering families one plate at a time.

Charity Organization Name:
Feeding Families
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: