Hollywood Beat Oscar Wilde, Academy of magical arts awards show, Shane’s inspIration, Share Reception The US-Ireland Alliance, is a non profit organization created to
foster ties between the US and Ireland, also honored actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers (The Tudors) and Brendan Gleeson (In Bruges) The award ceremony was followed by a fun, casual Irish party and Grammy Award nominated singer Maura O’Connell sang a Clare song to honor Queally, Among the guests enjoying Irish music, liberal libations, and tasty Irish fare, included Producer, Harvey Weinstein (doesn’t sound Irish, to me), Tracey Ullman, Allan McKeown, and numerous film company exec, directors, society types, and show biz biggies. Dana Delaney Desperate Housewives) stated, “I always like to celebrate anything Irish. We don’t do enough of that in America.” And speaking of famous Irishmen, Senator Ted Kennedy helped launch a program to teach American high school students about Ireland. Did you know that many Irish people are seeking the British Government’s decision to grant a knighthood to Senator Kennedy, in honor of all he has done for Ireland A grand day for the Irish indeed!