The Oklahoma City Metro Heart Walk is an annual noncompetitive, family-oriented walking event that raises critical funds for lifesaving research and education in our
community. With great entertainment and fun, festive activities, this event also promotes the benefits of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle to fight heart disease and stroke through Start!, our new walking campaign. Much of the money raised through the Heart Walk stays in our community. Last year, donors enabled the American Heart Association to fund $1,510,000 of research in our state, in addition to the many community programs in our area. This year, we anticipate over 100 companies and 10,000 walkers to step out to save lives.
Please join us in fighting the number one and number three killers of Americans and Oklahomans, heart disease and stroke. For more information on fundraising or to register online, please visit our Oklahoma City Heart Walk website.
For more details on Start! Oklahoma City Metro Heart Walk Oklahoma City charity event visit Event details at! or Official Website.