SUTTON iron men proved their mettle swimming, biking and running hundreds of miles for charity.
As members of BRAT – Birmingham Running and Triathlon Club, the five fitness fanatics may be used to gruelling endurance tests, but ‘Ironman’ is the ultimate challenge. Starting at 6.15am, they faced a 2.4 mile swim followed by 112 mile bike ride and finally a 26.2 mile marathon run. Speaking after the event, Michael Cheetham said: “This was the most painful thing I have ever done in my life. But he said it was the crowds that spurred him on until the end. “The finish was at Bolton town hall, there were thousands of people there and you are literally hi-fiving people all the way to the finish line. “There was a huge screen and to see yourself on that was mad.
“It was emotional because you are on the go for 12 hours non-stop.