The upcoming tour of Historic Homes and Churches in LeMars just got a little more interesting.
Since 1997, the event has highlighted the city’s most interesting architectural features in old homes, businesses and churches. In that respect, this year will be no different. However, I’m guessing this is probably the first time in 12 years the tour will include the site of a recent drug bust whose owner is accused of dealing drugs. But I could be wrong. Apparently, being in charge of catering/kitchen at a local grocery store is Siouxland’s version of high society, subjecting you to more scrutiny and, thus, a louder buzz. Tour organizer Linda Mayrose said Friday that she operates with the belief everyone is innocent until they are proven guilty. She offered Wong the opportunity to take his home off the tour in light of what happened, but said he was still willing to participate because the event raises money for charity. Proceeds are donated (on alternating years) to the Plymouth County Historical Museum and LeMars Art Center.
Personally, I’m thinking the drug bust and resulting buzz will bring in a bigger crowd. Heck, it kind of makes me want to go.