April 25, 2009 Women Helping Women ROCHESTER &mdash Grace Centers of Hope presents the 11th annual Women Helping Women Luncheon and Fashion Show 10:30
a.m.-2:30 p.m. Saturday, May 2 at the Royal Park Hotel. Tickets, $85, benefit GCH’s Women’s Program, the only shelter in southeastern Michigan where mothers and their children can stay together longer than two weeks for Life Skills programming. The shelter provides services without government funding. Ruth Spencer, WDIV Channel 4 Teresa Tomeo, 990 Catholic Radio and Doris Biscoe, Biscoe Communications, return as emcees. Call (248) 334-2187 or visit . SMOOTH STYLE TROY &mdash Saks Fifth Avenue and Smooth Jazz V98.7 present “Smooth Style” to benefit Goodwill Industries of Greater Detroit, 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, April 29. $35 includes wine and hors d’oeuvres, a Want It! Fashion show, live jazz, a 15 percent off shopping coupon and $25 gift card. Call (313) 557-8790 for information. For tickets, call (866) 964-GIVE or visit . ROMA SPOSA TRUNK SHOW 14TH ANNUAL WOMEN’S SHOW