A NINE-year-old Everton fan, who lost a leg to cancer, will have his dreams come true on Sunday when he shoots on goal at
Goodison Park. Holy Family pupil and life-long Blue, Jimmy Oliver, was delighted when Everton FC rang to invite him onto the pitch for a kick-about before their clash with Aston Villa. Everton officials also invited Jimmy’s brother, Will, to be their mascot for the day and lead the team out. Their dad, Mark, said: “Will was buzzing when he heard he’d be mascot but Jimmy was more excited for him. “Jimmy keeps telling me we have to make sure we clap Will when he’s on the pitch. He’s so happy for his brother because he feels he gets all the attention but this will be Will’s thing.” Jimmy, who lives in Southport, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in his shin in January 2007 and has since had intensive treatment. The youngster, who celebrates his tenth birthday on March 3, spent his first full day at school this week after months of severe illness.
Friends will treat the birthday boy to a trip in a limo to see his beloved Blues play Blackburn the day after his birthday.