They dove under duvets, stood in showers and posed at kitchen tables when Bristol’s Ikea furniture store became the latest location for a “flashmob”.
The charity event saw people from across the city assemble at 12pm, freeze for five minutes, then quickly disperse to the bewilderment of Saturday shoppers. Organiser Mathew White, 35, from , said the event had been organised after the success of February’s takeover of Cabot Circus, but he is aiming for bigger things next time, with a record-breaking attempt. Mr White, a web graphic designer, said: “We had just the right number of people attend so it worked really well. The location made it a bit tricky for some people but I was really pleased with the turnout. “I got the idea after the flashmob in . I was wandering around Ikea with all the fixtures and fittings and thought it was just pure gold.
“Because we were collecting for BRACE, an Alzheimer’s charity, we had to get Ikea in on it and they thought it was a great idea and were really helpful. We got them to do announcements over the tannoy and so that was the signal for people to freeze three times.”