Join us to beat the summer with LUAU for Lentils!
Who:Grab your hula skirts, put a flower in your hair and get ready for a LUAU for Lentils!Start your summer off with a fun, festive party celebrating the main ingredient in our healthy meal, the lentil! There will be traditional hula lessons and Hawaiian music while you package meals for hungry families! All ages are welcome to join in this roasting good time!
What:Participants will be hand-packaging thousands of healthy meals that will be distributed to hungry children across the country through our US Hunger program. There will be great music, good fun and the chance to make a tangible difference in the life of a hungry child.
To learn more about US hunger, visit our website at:
Why:Currently, 21 million children in the US rely on free meals at school, yet only 3 million of them receive meals when school is out. Through this Hunger Project,YOUare helping fill the hungry bellies of children during the summer.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
1 x 1.5 hour shift
A $5 donation is greatly appreciated if participating in the event