Mallika Sherawat Arrives Late To A Charity Ball! 2009: Mumbai 15

Mallika Sherawat arrives late to a Charity Ball!

Mumbai, May 15: Mallika Sherawat may have carved a niche for herself in the industry with her hard work but time management is certainly
not one of her strengths. Recently, she drove the organisers of the American ball in Mumbai up the wall by turning up a good couple of hours late for the event. Her Indo-American film Hiss is going on in full swing and it is this US connection that got her an invitation for the event. Her friends in the Consulate in Mumbai invited her as the celebrity guest for their charity event and the organisers did their bit by paying her a fat packet as appearance fees. Mallika was paid half her fees upfront and was to be paid the rest after her appearance. The black tie event began at 7 pm sharp and the organisers heaved a sigh of relief when they were informed by Mallika&euro&trades manager that she&euro&traded left for the venue. So the event began and the guests were eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Bollywood celebrity, but for some reason there was no sign of Mallika till 10 pm and that&euro&trades when the organisers started panicking. Even in peak traffic, the venue was hardly an hour&euro&trades drive away for Mallika, so the delay worried them. The organisers started making frantic calls to her manager who was now unavailable. The event was almost winding up and most of the guests were in the mood to leave, when Mallika finally arrived. She went on to charm the audience with her smart one liners for about five minutes or so and then called it a night. However, she ensured that the rest of her fees was paid pronto as she&euro&traded kept her word.

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