Highlighting Jacksonville’s Philanthropic Community As our community continues to face a tight economy and shrinking budgets, the Daily Record has established this page that
will each week chronicle the efforts of local nonprofit organizations. Bailey Publishing & Communications invites all members of the local nonprofit community to submit news, announcements, success stories and any other information they feel would be of interest to our readers. E-mail to: nonprofitnewsbaileypub.com. We also encourage our readers to become more aware of the needs of these worthy organizations as they try to continue to provide valuable services with reduced resources. Parrot Heads support hospice for children
Members of Northeast Florida’s social and charitable organization Parrot Heads in Natural Settings, Inc. (PHINS) gave $12,000 to Community PedsCare, the pediatric program of Community Hospice of Northeast Florida. PHINS immediate past president Wayne McDowell along with club members presented the check to Community PedsCare patient Emily Warren and staff from Community PedsCare and Community Hospice.