Peabody bike shop giving back Fit Werx Bike Shop has started an innovative program that allows customers to help their favorite charity with every
purchase. The Peabody shop, located on Foster Street, is owned by two local guys who grew up in Swampscott: Dean Phillips and Marty Miserandino. Miserandino, who is one of the American Diabetes Association’s leading fundraisers, came up with the Fit Werx gives back to charities idea, and the shop has been promoting it for the past three weeks. People making any purchase can donate three percent of the pretax total to their favorite charity ride event — or if they are not planning to ride in any this year will be able to designate their money to a friend’s favorite charitable event. “This is our first go at it, and we’re very excited to get involved,” said Miserandino, a triathlete and road cyclist who lives in Salem. “It is really hard for people to raise money for charities during this tough economy, and while we can’t just write a check we are able to help out in this way. We have over 20 people already signed up, and since this is an ongoing thing we know there will be a lot more. “We specialize in a bike fitting process by appointment, and it allows us to get to know our customers really well. We tell them all about this fund raising program, and even if they are not planning to ride for a charity they can donate their money to help a friend’s ride or one of ours. It’s not something we’re keeping a secret we want to give the funds so we try to get the word out.” Fit Werx 2 is the official name for the Peabody store that has been open for two years. The original Fit Werx in Waitsfield, Vermont has been in business for six years. The goal at both locations has always been to help cyclists and triathletes of all levels meet and exceed their goals. Phillips, who has a mechanical engineering degree, has been a pro triathlete for three years and holds many course records. “Our 5th Ride For Jules at the Boston North Fitness Center in Danvers (an indoor cycling spin-a-thon) will be held on March 7th,” said Miserandino, who founded the event in honor of his mother Julie after she lost her battle with diabetes. “We’ve already raised a quarter of a million dollars to help find a cure. We also have the Tour De Cure out of Gloucester in May for the ADA that attracts a lot of North Shore Riders. Those are just two events that are very popular with our customers, and we’re hoping our new program will raise a lot more money.”