Baltimore artist , who has painted more than 100 dog portraits, will unveil his latest works on Thursday at a show to benefit Recycled
Love, a local animal rescue organization. The reception for “DOGS THAT I KNOW, Part 3,” will be from 6 to 9 p.m. at McClintock’s Fells Point gallery, 1809 Thames St. The event is free, but a portion of the proceeds from any works sold will benefit the charity. The approximately 40 new portraits feature local dogs that have inspired the artist — dogs of all sorts of breeds that have charmed him on the street, stopped by the gallery, or proven otherwise irresistable to paint. “I just love them,” McClintock says of dogs. “They’re funny. They crack me up. I always wonder what they’re saying. But I’m also glad that I don’t really know. I connect with their honesty and how they just want to love you.” A highlight of the show is a portrait of one of the dogs rescued from Michael Vick, the former Atlanta Falcons quarterback who plead guilty to participating in a dogfighting operation. The painting features a pitbull named Jasmine. McClintock calls the piece “Sweet Jasmine.” The artist says he’ll give Recycled Love the full amount of the painting if it sells — or about $600.
“These people deal with hard luck case dogs and this dog is definitely one of the hard luck cases,” he said.