The Twestival took place in Edinburgh on Thursday night joining over 180 cities around the world to celebrate the new form of social networking
that has got internet users everywhere hooked. Why do the news pages look different Find out . Scottish technology junkies have been embracing new internet phenomenon Twitter with a festival in its honour to raise money for Charity: Water. The Twestival took place in Edinburgh on Thursday night joining over 180 cities around the world to celebrate the new form of social networking that has got internet users everywhere hooked. The event featured live video streaming from other Twestivals around the UK with live music and a raffle for Scotland’s flourishing Twitter community. For those wondering what all the fuss is about, Twitter is a micro-blogging service that allows you to tell people what it is you’re doing at that precise moment. You contact other people by sending them a message, or a tweet as its known, limited to 140 characters which can be done on a computer, blackberry or iphone. While sceptics say its uses are minimal beyond notifying the world with what you are having for your tea, recent events have highlighted its potential as a valuable platform for citizen journalism.
For instance the initial reports of terror attacks in Mumbai emerged on Twitter while the first picture of the plane crash-landing in the Hudson River in New York was done through micro-blogging.