Word Cup Referee Gives Backing To Shenstone Fun Run 2009: Involved Football

Word Cup referee gives backing to Shenstone Fun Run

Get involved Football World Cup referee Graham Poll is backing the newly-reinstated Shenstone Fun Run.
The English official will help promote the run, which will be held in aid of the Crimson Foundation charity. Graham (pictured) said: “To be associated with such an event is a privilege. I was very lucky to have had ability and make it to the pinnacle of my profession, but all the hard work and dedication of organising committees to put on an event of this stature, and the tireless work the charities put in to improve people’s lives, make me feel very humble and to assist in any way is a joy. “I am aware of the Crimson Foundation in the Midlands, which has done endless amounts of work for good causes. When I heard that they were one of the beneficiaries of this event and coupled with the fact of the charities involved I couldn’t say no, it was an instant decision and such an honour to be asked.” Graham Jones, organising chairman of the Shenstone Fun Run, said: “To have the assistance of such a well-known person to help raise the profile of the event is invaluable. I know from local opinion that the Shenstone community will never forget Mr Poll for all the right reasons, he is a very kind and generous man.”
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