“You are the hunger heroes,” Katherine Francis of Hunger Heroes explained to about 50 people who were gathered Saturday (4/25/09) for an outreach to
the community in Wheat Ridge. The get together was held in the Revival Center parking lot at 6073 44th Avenue, where Evangelist Ray Cordova’s ministry is located. Evangelist Ray recited an original poem in rap. Gospel band, Bloodbought, played some of their music after we ate delicious free fajitas and had some time for prayer. In addition, the food bank there was open to anyone. There was also a collection taken for a couple of homeless people who were present. Our family had a good time at the event called “A Happening for Jesus”. The part of the event that my children most enjoyed was when we were treated to original Christian music performed by A-men Band, with Wayne Francis, who introduced us to Wingnut. Katherine is correct. The homeless in the Denver area need us. Those of us who contribute food, clothing, donations of money, and time in community service are all unsung heroes because we have a significant impact on the lives, and bring hope to the poor and needy among us. People from just about any walk of life can suddenly end up homeless these days. Many are currently the victims of foreclosures. You really make the difference for them right here in your own neighborhood when you help in some small way. Wayne explained, “There is a spiritual warfare taking place, and as soldiers, we are a headliner for the draw to support the efforts of those in the front lines.” He was referring to the non-profit agencies and organizations that help thousands of families every day, such as Open Door Ministries, Denver Rescue Mission, and Jeffco Action Center. One of the main goals of Hunger Heroes is to raise awareness for these groups so that people know where and how to help others who are in need of some assistance in life. Wayne stated that his ministry “is one of those that are backing up, or are taking care of and feeding into those front-lines soldiers who are taking the homeless in off the streets.” Katherine gave an inspirational message in Wheat Ridge about finding God wherever we are and in whatever we are doing, and sharing Him with others. Her message was powerful as she shared the most modern version of the story about a soldier who shared God with his sergeant in a time of war with a deck of cards. In her retelling of this story, the setting was in Afghanistan, where our American troops are presently serving our country. Let it warm your heart as you listen to it in this Vietnam version of the story by Red Sovine. (I chose the location Vietnam because our Military Veterans were not properly honored upon their return home from there as our other heroes have been. Thank you for your service Vets!)